Is MAMP compatible with Windows 10?
Yes, MAMP is compatible with Windows 10.
What does MAMP stand for?
The abbreviation “MAMP” stands for: My Apache - MySQL - PHP.
Where can I download MAMP?
Get the latest version of MAMP from our website https://www.mamp.info/en/downloads/.
Where can I find error log files?
All log files are stored in: “C:\MAMP\logs”.
Which Apache modules are included?
Apache modules are located in the “C:\MAMP\Library\modules” folder.
Which PHP modules are included?
To find out which PHP modules are included, use the following procedure:
Start the servers and direct your web browser to http://localhost:8888/MAMP/. Click on the phpInfo tab at the top of page.
Where is my database data located in MAMP for Windows?
Your database data is located in “C:\MAMP\db\mysql".
Where is my php.ini file located?
Your php.ini for MAMP is located in “C:\MAMP\conf\phpX.XX”.
Where is my httpd.conf file located?
Your httpd.conf file is located in “C:\MAMP\conf\apache\httpd.conf”.
How do I transfer the content to a new computer?
To move the contents of your previous MAMP installation to a new computer, do the following:
- Install MAMP on the new computer.
- Copy the contents of the document root folder from your previous computer to the document root folder on the new computer.
- Create a dump of your MySQL database with phpMyAdmin.
- Copy the dump to the new computer and import them using phpMyAdmin.