FAQ - General
Here you will find answers to general questions about MAMP PRO (Windows).
- Are updates free of charge?
- Is MAMP PRO compatible with Windows 10?
- Can I use MAMP at the same time as MAMP PRO?
- Is it possible to add an updated version of PHP?
- Is the ImageMagick PHP module included?
- Which Apache modules are included?
- Where can I find the log files?
- Will MAMP work if the MAMP folder is not located in the C:\ directory?
- Are the amount of virtual hosts aliases limited?
- Where exactly are the MAMP PRO files created or changed?
- Where are the configuration files located?
- Where can I find more information on the various servers, interpreters, debuggers and other tools that MAMP PRO uses?
- My antivirus software is not allowing me to write to the hosts file