
Sites > Site > Web Server > Apache

Here you can change settings for the Apache web server for the selected site. These settings are security related! For more information on configuring your Apache server, refer to the Apache website.


  • You cannot make changes to the Apache settings unless the site is set to Apache (“General” tab).
  • Please be sure to use the correct spelling of all information. Due to errors in the set options, Apache may not start.

MAMP PRO - Sites - Site - Web Server - Apache

  • Directive <Directory>
    For detailed information on each option, see the appropriate chapter in the Apache documentation.

    • Options

      • Indexes
        Enables or disables directory browsing. If there is no index.html, index.php, etc. in the document root, the will be displayed if this option is enabled. Without this option, nothing will be displayed or an error message will be displayed.

      • Include
        Allows the use of Server Side Includes (SSI).

      • Exec CGI
        Allow CGI execution.

      • SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
        Restricted version of FollowSymLinks. Allows referencing objects via symbolic links only if the owner matches.

      • Includes NOEXEC
        Server-side includes are allowed, but #exec cmd and #exec cgi are disabled. It is still possible to #include virtual CGI scripts from ScriptAliased directories.

      • FollowSymLinks
        Allows symbolic links to be used as references to documents in other directories. This is an elegant feature when you want references to objects outside the directory tree (e.g. web server log files), but know that you want to avoid hiding objects through the URL tree.

      • MultiViews
        Allow dynamic documents to be used or disabled depending on the language.

    • AllowOverride
      Types of directives allowed in .htaccess files.
      (See the Apache documentation for more information.)

    • Require
      Tests whether an authenticated user is authorized by an authorization provider.
      (See the Apache documentation for more information.)

    • Additional parameters
      The statements in this field get added to the <Directory> ... </Directory> portion of the host in Apache’s config file.

    • Directory index
      Specify which file Apache should serve when no filename is given in an address. By default this is either index.html or index.php.

  • Directive <VirtualHost>

    • Additional Parameters
      These directives go directly into the httpd.conf file.
  • Server admin
    Email address that the server includes in error messages sent to the client.
    (See the Apache documentation for more information.)

httpd.conf file

You cannot edit your httpd.conf file directly in MAMP PRO. You must make custom configurations through your httpd.conf template file. More information on how to configure your httpd.conf template file can be found in our “Menu > File” section.