  • New Site…
    Clicking on this menu item starts the process of creating a new site. Further information on creating a new site can be found here.

  • New Tab
    Click on this menu item to create a new tab in the MAMP PRO editor. This menu item is only active when the editor is open and in the foreground.

  • Open Template
    MAMP PRO uses templates to create the necessary server configuration files. This gives you access to options that are not available from the MAMP PRO interface.

    A template file is created in “~/Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/templates” when you make a change to one of your templates. There are separate templates for your Apache, Apache SSL, Nginx, PHP, and MySQL configurations. If you have not made any changes to your templates, your “~/Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/templates” directory will be empty.

    Changes will be reflected in your actual configuration files after your servers are restarted.

    Note: Errors in the templates files can cause servers to fail to start. You should only edit these templates if you are familiar with the exact syntax and meaning of the options.

    • Apache (httpd.conf and httpd-ssl.conf)
      Here you can edit the Apache web server configuration file templates. The configuration files created from these templates are located in the “/Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/conf” directory. You can check the contents of these files to see if your changes have been reflected.

    • Nginx (nginx.conf)
      Open and edit your “nginx.conf” template file here. Changes made to your template file will be reflected your actual “nginx.conf” file. The “nginx.conf” file created from the template file and is located in “/Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/conf”.

    • PHP (php.ini)
      Open and edit your php.ini template file here. There are probably several versions of PHP available, each with its own template file. Changes made to your template file will be reflected in your actual php.ini file. The php.ini file is generated from the template file and is located in “/Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/conf”.

    • MySQL (my.cnf)
      Open and edit your “my.cnf” template file here. There are probably several versions of MySQL available, each with its own template file. Changes made to your template file will be reflected in your actual “my.cnf” file. The “my.cnf” file is generated from the template file and is located in “/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/my.cnf”.

    • Redis (redis.conf)
      Open and edit your redis.conf template file here. Changes made to your template file will be reflected in your actual redis.conf file. The redis.conf file is created from the template file and is located in “/Library/Application Support/appsolute/MAMP PRO/conf”.

    • Revert all Templates to Default…
      Click on this menu item to reset all templates. Changed templates are saved on your desktop and open templates in the editor are closed without saving.

  • Close Window
    Click on this menu item to close the current window. If you have closed the main window of MAMP PRO in this way, you can open it again via the menu item “Window -> MAMP PRO”.

  • Close Tab
    Click on this menu item to close the current tab in the MAMP PRO editor. If the currently open file is the last open file or if no file is open, the editor window is closed. This menu item is only active when the editor is open and in the foreground.

  • Save
    Clicking this menu item saves your changes. This menu item is only active if there are unsaved changes.

  • Save as…
    By clicking on this menu item, you can save the currently open file under a different file name. This menu item is only active if a file is open in the editor and the editor is in the foreground.

  • Save a Copy…
    By clicking on this menu item, you can save a copy of the currently open file under a different file name. This menu item is only active if a file is open in the editor and the editor is in the foreground.

  • Save All
    Clicking on this menu item saves all files opened in the editor. This menu item is only active if at least one file is open in the editor and has been edited and the editor is in the foreground.

  • Revert to Saved
    If you click on this menu item, unsaved changes are undone. This menu item is only active if there are unsaved changes.

  • Revert All
    If you click on this menu item, all unsaved changes are undone. This menu item is only active if there are unsaved changes.

  • Reload Remote Files
    Clicking on this menu item reloads the file list of the remote server. This menu item is only active if a file is open in the editor and the editor is in the foreground.

  • Export Template…
    This allows you to export the currently open template of a configuration file. This menu item is only active if you have opened a template of a configuration file and the corresponding editor window is in the foreground (selected).

  • Import Template…
    This allows you to import the contents of a previously exported configuration file template. This menu item is only active if you have opened a template of a configuration file and the corresponding editor window is in the foreground (selected).

    Please note that using a template of a configuration file from another MAMP PRO version can cause problems. In some cases, this can cause servers and services to fail to start.

  • Backup…
    Clicking this menu item displays the Create Backup dialog. This menu item is active only when no servers or services are running.

  • Restore…
    Clicking this menu item displays the Restore Backup dialog. This menu item is active only when no servers or services are running.